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Their are various ways you can communicate with servers and get response from them in a certain way. The method we always and 80% of online websites...
Today I will explain how to create a highly scalable chat app with Node JS, Sockets, Redis Insight, Kafka, PostgreSQL and Turbo-repo. Part 1: Basic...
In the realm of web development, the demand for intuitive and interactive user interfaces is ever-increasing. Developers are constantly seeking tools...
One of my most vast and big projects till now, Today I will be demonstrating how you can deploy a simple React App to Kubernetes and then to a cloud...
Setup AWS + Lambda + CI-CD Pipleine in just 5 steps. Β· In the journey of learning Devops , I have tried using Cloud Services and Serverless functions...
Check your website score at Pagespeed Insight. Β· How to check if your website is well optimized and ready to publish for your users ? There a lot of...